
Inglourious Romance -- Chapter 27

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Literature Text

Airplane take off by Amani-Ishikawa
Auf Wiedersehen, Mein Liebling

Despite their desires, the both of them eventually fell asleep that night. Christoph was the first to sleep. He had been so worn out by their long lovemaking that it was easy to slip into sleep once he closed his eyes. He would not remember his dreams when he woke, but it wouldn’t have mattered even if he did. When Christoph woke that morning, all he felt was the dread of knowing that it was soon time for them to part. 

Naturally, Christoph woke earlier than Amaya, and earlier than he had to be. But he got up quietly, took a shower, dressed, and made his way to the kitchen to cook her one last breakfast. He made a grand show of it. Christoph brewed Amaya’s favorite coffee he had from Austria, he made bacon, eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes. He even warmed up the maple syrup just right, and made the eggs both scrambled and over easy. 

Once breakfast was prepared, he went into the room, climbed into the bed, and kissed Amaya on the cheek. Her skin was warm from her slumber and being snuggled in the covers. “It’s time to wake up, Amaya,” he said. “I made you breakfast.” 

She was still dozing, but she was at least partially awake. She smiled faintly when he climbed into the bed and kissed her cheek; he smelled so good being this near her, and she just wanted to snuggle him for a few minutes.

"You made me breakfast?" she yawned, turning over to cuddle up to him. "Mmm…it smells good." Here eyes opened slightly and she looked up at him tiredly. "You’re too sweet. But I still don’t wanna get up." She pouted a little. "Because getting up means I’ll have a flight to catch and I’d much rather stay here. You can even feed me the pancakes here."

Christoph chuckled and kissed her lips softly. “I knew you’d be resistant. That’s why I made breakfast already. If you want to eat it hot, you’ve got to come downstairs with me. I even fixed your coffee for you.”

Even Christoph, however, couldn’t resist a moment of snuggling with her in bed before they got up to eat their breakfast. He held her in his arms, kissing her cheek every so often before he’d be unable to do it for too long. 

Just then, Christoph pushed himself out of bed, fixed his shirt, and fixed his hair. “Come now, before it gets cold. We don’t have to rush, it’s still quite early. I did that on purpose, too.” A

maya glanced up at him when he mentioned how early it was, and he winked at her. Before she could say anything, he went downstairs to prepare their plates of food, which he hoped would be convincing enough to get her out of bed. 

Amaya sighed when he left the room and flopped back onto the pillows. Then she turned and squeezed a soft pillow, knowing that she wouldn’t see this bed again for who knew how long. She let out a long sigh. She knew Christoph was trying to keep her spirits up, but it wasn’t going to work for long. She didn’t want to get up and get ready for the day. That meant that she would have to leave, and in several hours, she would be back across the ocean, and half a world would separate them.

She lay there for a moment thinking and dreading, but she knew if she lay there too long, Christoph would be back, and this time, he might be irritated with her. She begrudgingly pulled herself out of the bed, dragged a brush through her hair, put in her contacts, and brushed her teeth. She didn’t bother with dressing just yet since she still had a quick shower to take. According to the time, Christoph had made absolutely sure she would have plenty of time to get ready for her flight and not feel rushed to shower and pack. She had deliberately chosen an afternoon flight so she wouldn’t have to be rushed or leave him sooner than she wanted.

When she arrived in the kitchen, Christoph was already putting pancakes on a plate, and she could smell coffee and bacon in the air. He had used a griddle for the pancakes, and then she saw that they were chocolate chip, her favorite.

Her eyes widened with excitement. “You made my favorite kind of pancakes!” She hugged him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist as he held up his arms, his hands loaded with a spatula and a plate. “You’re so adorable. I love you.”

While downstairs, he wondered how long Amaya would take to actually pull herself out of bed and make it to breakfast. He had confidence that she would make it down before her food went cold. Amaya was stubborn to wake up in the morning, but she did not avoid responsibility either. He set their coffee on the kitchen island where he had breakfast, and grabbed plates from the cupboard to fill with food. No sooner did he pull the plates out from the cupboard, did he hear Amaya descending the stairs. He smiled, and began to fill the plates. 

He was not entirely startled when Amaya wrapped her arms around his waist. He knew it was coming, and he wanted her to. He wanted to feel this one last time before they’d be separated. Christoph set the plate and the spatula down, and rested his hands on her arms. Amaya’s warmth was comforting and he took a moment to just quietly enjoy this. 

"I love you, too," Christoph said to her. "I wanted your last morning here to be memorable. I made all your favorite things, and hopefully to your liking." Christoph turned so that he was facing her, and took her into his own arms. Amaya held him again, and rested her head on his shoulder. Neither of them rushed to eat. They both remained locked together like this, kissing one another at intervals. "I’m going to miss you so much, Amaya. So damn much." Christoph hardly swore, but this was necessary. 

Amaya closed her eyes and basked in the warmth of his arms around her. She held him tightly and rested her chin on his shoulder as well. “I’m going to miss you, too. So, so much.”

She held him for a moment longer, and as she did, she could already feel her eyes stinging with tears. She kissed his lips tenderly and then looked away. She didn’t want to cry. Not now.

"Besides, Nikki won’t cook me breakfast because she’s as bad as I am about getting up," Amaya said, wiping at her eyes. Then she offered him a weak smile. "I won’t have any pancakes again unless I visit an IHOP, and even those won’t be near as good as yours."

She would miss a lot more than his pancakes, though, and she hoped he knew that. She would miss seeing him at the end of the day and all their quiet moments. She’d miss slapping at him with a towel when they did the dishes after dinner and his playful sense of humor. She’d miss the lovemaking and the cuddling and taking walks to lovely places that only Christoph knew about. She’d miss all the little, tender moments they shared.

Even Christoph struggled to fight back his tears. He held her, feeling her body tense up as she tried to hold back her tears. Christoph kissed her head a few times before Amaya lifted her head to kiss his lips. He knew she was going to miss a whole lot more than just his pancakes, but somehow teasing about them just made things a little easier. He knew it would be difficult to let go of her, but suddenly he felt the sting worse than he would have ever anticipated.

They sat at the table in the breakfast nook and Amaya dug into her pancakes. She smiled at Christoph between bites. “I’ll never forget this or anything we did here in Germany. The whole experience has been memorable and I can’t wait to put all my pictures together in an album. I have so many that I don’t even know where to begin.” She glanced over at him and her stare lingered on him sweetly. “It’s going to be a big album, I know that.”

"I don’t know how you two go to work in the morning," he teased, talking about Amaya and Nikki.

When she pulled away, he offered her a sweet smile to cheer her up until they both sat to eat their breakfast. It was as good as it smelled. Christoph had quite the talent, and his chocolate chip pancakes did not disappoint. He poured the warm syrup over both their pancakes, warm butter having already been melting on them. 

Amaya talked about all the photos of the amazing things they did together, and he had to choke back more tears. It felt so ridiculous to get this emotional, but at the same time, he had every reason to be. They had been together a short time, but long enough tofall in love with one another, to care deeply for one another. “I can’t wait to see the photos,” he said. “Once I make it to L.A., I want to see everything you have to show me.” He smiled, and reached over the table to take his hand into hers. 

"And I will," Amaya replied, taking his hand as well. "I’ll show you all there is to see, and you can finally meet Nikki, and you’ll get to hang out in my unimpressive apartment I share with her." She smiled a little on that last part. "And we will have loads more pictures and adventures." She bit her lip and offered a joking smile. "Who knows, I might even coax you onto a roller coaster in Santa Monica."

She smirked again and ate her breakfast. It tasted delicious, and Amaya was so grateful that she had a man who didn’t mind cooking and was so good at it. That definitely was something to brag about, and she already had on more than one occasion. It was just adorable to see him do that, and it was even sweeter that he did it for her. She would be so happy to return the favor to him when he came to L.A.

Once breakfast was finished, Amaya quickly helped Christoph with the dishes (making sure to snap at him with a towel a few times to tease him) before heading upstairs to shower and change into some clothes. She wanted to take her time in the shower, but she knew she needed to be out again to pack and try to spend what little time she would have with Christoph.

Amaya dried off her shampoo and conditioner and packed these away. She packed away all her personal items as she used them, and when she was finished, she threw the items into her luggage sealed up and away from her clothes. She did not want a repeat of the mess she’d had when she first arrived in Germany with the exploded shampoo all over her underwear.

As she folded her things and packed them away in her suitcase, Amaya sighed heavily. She dreaded leaving. She then glanced over at a blue dress shirt Christoph had left out and picked it up; she could still smell his Prada cologne on it. She remembered the first night she had stayed with him after they got back from Salzburg and how she had worn a shirt of his to bed. The memory made her smile, and she set the shirt aside for now. She was tempted to pack it away with her things, but she refrained.

Instead, she sat on the edge of the bed and held it in her hands, still disbelieving everything that had happened over the past year. It all felt like a fairy tale and she would wake up at any moment in her apartment to the sound of her alarm clock. He was just too good to be true, and she wondered what powers that be felt that Amaya deserved someone like him. He treated her so well, better than anyone she’d ever been with before. They didn’t have a lot of time together, but what they had was just enough to realize that they loved one another. Amaya certainly hoped that it would only grow more from here on, in spite of separation. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and it was unexpected, at that. He had made her the happiest she had ever been.

While Amaya showered, Christoph was reading his paper and drinking another cup of coffee. He had made plenty, and there was no use letting it go to waste, at least, that would be the perfect excuse to give should anyone ask. News in Berlin seemed to be as usual as ever, but Christoph really wasn’t paying much attention to words on the page. All that was on his mind was Amaya, and how much he was going to hate their distance between each other. He would read an entire paragraph before realizing he had been thinking of something else, and hadn’t actually read anything at all. His eyes caught the words, but his mind didn’t actually take in the information. By the end of the articles, he hardly knew what any of them were about. 

The sound of the shower stopping upstairs was sign that Amaya was done and almost ready. He’d go upstairs in a moment to help her get ready and take her things down. Soon, Christoph would be driving Amaya to the airport, where they’d be parted for months. The thought caused a strain in his heart that almost made him worried that something was wrong with it. He took in a breath, closed the newspaper, and set it down on the coffee table. His mug sat there empty, as well. 

Up the stairs, in the bedroom, Amaya sitting on the edge of the bed, clearly thinking. When Christoph walked in to the room, he saw her glancing at the shirt. He did not see her get up and pick it up, but judging by her focus on it, he sensed she liked it. Christoph sat down on the edge of the bed beside her and brought his arm around her. “It’s time to get the car packed,” he said solemnly, his head low. “I don’t want you rushing like we were yesterday.” Christoph kissed her cheek and she glanced back at him, her eyes reading with so much sadness that it struck Christoph, yet again, in the heart. He licked his lips out of habit, and nodded slowly, knowing what she said with her eyes. She didn’t want to go. 

"Go on downstairs," he said. "I’ll bring your luggage down." At first, Amaya refused, but he convinced her by saying he wanted it to be the last sweet favor he did for her before their separation. Finally giving in, Amaya went downstairs, scanning the rest of the house making sure she had gathered everything that belonged to her. Christoph glanced at his blue shirt. It had not been washed yet, but it was only worn once, and it smelled of his cologne. He knew Amaya would want it. He took it from the hanger, folded it neatly, and stuffed it into one of her luggage bags so that she could find it when she opened it at home. 

Christoph went downstairs with her bags, made sure she was ready, and went into the garage so he could put the bags into the car. This was it, they were finally making their departure. He sniffled and wiped away tears before Amaya came into the garage. 

He was packing the trunk when she came into the garage. She put her purse in his car as well as her carry-on, and Christoph closed the trunk solidly. She looked at him with soulful, sad eyes as she confirmed that she had her plane ticket and passport in order. Then she got into the car, and Christoph pulled out of the driveway. This was it. She was on her way, and she didn’t like it.

The drive to the airport was mostly spent in silence. Both of them were reluctant as ever to get there, and both were trying not to choke up into tears during the ride. As Amaya held his hand, his thumb would gently stroke her hand. It was a quiet but meaningful gesture, to make sure that Amaya knew how much he loved her and that he was going to miss her. Getting to the airport made things worse. Christoph’s heart sank, and he hated that he was taking her luggage and bringing them in to the airport.

The traffic was busy, and he found a place to park for the short term. He would walk her to her departure gate. She checked her passport, got through security, and every step was begrudgingly taken. When she wasn’t busy with security or presenting her passes, she was holding Christoph’s warm hand. 

Finally, she loaded her luggage onto the carousel and then she found her gate. She could hear flights being called in German over the loudspeaker. It was just a matter of minutes before hers would be called. She sat in the waiting area and gazed at Christoph. She knew she shouldn’t be this upset, but she was. She did not want to get on that plane and be away from him. But she knew it had to be.

Amaya clung to Chrisotph, and he clung to her there in the terminal at her departure gate. He closed his eyes and committed how she felt in his memory. He would rely on those memories for as long as he had to.

"I’m going to miss you so much," Amaya said, her voice cracking just a little. "I don’t want to go."

“I’m going to miss you, too. God, I don’t want you to leave. But soon… soon I’ll be in L.A. and we can be together again. We just have to get through this.” Christoph’s voice broke as well, wavering and failing him.  

He pulled away to look at her, but he also revealed that tears were streaming down his face. He couldn’t hold them back. It was a terrible feeling, and he didn’t want to show that he was being weak, but he was going to miss her immensely. And it hurt.

“Just stay safe, will you? We’ll talk every day. I love you so much, Amaya. I love you more than the world.” Christoph clung to her again, smothering her in kisses. 

Amaya gazed at Christoph, and finally, when she saw tears in his eyes, she broke as well. Her lower lip quivered and tears sprang up. Before she knew what she was thinking, she threw her arms around Christoph and held him tightly. She inhaled his sweet scent, stroked his hair, and kissed him tenderly. She didn’t give a damn who was watching.

"I’m going to miss you, too. I can hardly stand it," Amaya said, burying her face into his neck. "I’m being such a baby, but I can’t help it. It’s like…like I’ve developed this whole new life that I love here and I have to leave it behind." She sighed heavily. "I know it’s only for a few months, but it’ll be so damn hard."

Soon, Amaya’s flight was being called for, and Christoph knew he’d have to release her from his hold. But he was desperate to cling to every moment they had, even the ones they hardly had to spare. “Call me when you’re back in L.A., yes? I don’t care what time it is. I don’t care if you’ll have to wake me. Just call.” 

She heard the first call for her flight for boarding, and she pulled away from him, but she still refused to let him go. She kissed him repeatedly. “I love you. So much. I don’t want to go, Christoph.” She wanted to cling onto him for as long as time would allow. “But I p-promise I’ll call you in L.A. Because you asked.” She bit her lip and gazed into his gentle hazel eyes. “I’ll miss you.” She glanced over at the gate and back at Christoph. “Don’t make me get on the plane.”

"I don’t want to make you get on," he said, his voice still failing him.

Amaya held onto Christoph’s wrists as he held her face and kissed her. The last call for boarding and the fact that she was at the point where she absolutely had to board her flight, despite not wanting to. It would be a long flight and one that would take her halfway around the world and away from him. That fact made the tears fall from her eyes.

He sniffled and tried to pull himself together. Christoph wanted to remain strong for Amaya, he didn’t want to make this any more difficult for her than it already was, but Christoph struggled in doing this. It was just as difficult for him as it was for her. He clung to her one last time, taking in the sweet scent of her perfume. He nuzzled his nose into her neck, and softly kissed her. 

The last call for Amaya’s flight gave them no choice but to separate. Amaya would have to rush now. Christoph took her face into his hands gently, kissed her lips hard, and exhaled heavily. “I love you so much. Don’t you forget to call me. I’ll be waiting.”

He finally let her go, and watched as the tears streamed down her face. Amaya stole one more kiss from his lips before turning and rushing to her gate so she would make her flight. Part of Christoph wished she’d miss it. 

Her lip quivered as she begrudgingly turned from Christoph and hurried to her gate to present her boarding pass. She turned and looked at Christoph standing there one last time, and she could see the sadness in his eyes. “I love you,” she mouthed to him, and he returned with a sad smile. He didn’t want her to go any more than she wanted to.

Her pass was handed back to her, and Amaya took one last longing look at Christoph from over her shoulder before disappearing down the corridor to board the plane. Her heart was heavier than her feet as she trudged onto the plane and found her seat in first class. She put her bag in the overhead compartment and flopped down in her seat, which was next to the window. She fastened her seat belt and curled her hand under her chin as she gazed out the window and down at the tarmac. She wondered whether Christoph had already left or whether he would watch her flight taxi away from the gate.

Amaya pulled out a Kleenex from her purse and wiped at her eyes. The captain came on the loudspeaker to give instructions and the flight attendants demonstrated the seatbelts and pointed out the exits. Then, the plane began to move as a vehicle backed it away from the gate with a tow bar attached to the nose wheel. This was it. She was headed back to the United States. She’d be happy to see her friends again, but her bed would feel so lonely without Christoph there to hold and kiss her.

The plane taxied onto the taxiway and awaited clearance from air traffic control for takeoff. As she watched the terminal get smaller, all she could think of was Christoph all by himself and her being taken further away from him. She sniffled and placed her hand on the window. It was only three months, and they would Skype and text one another, but it wouldn’t be the same as having him right there.

As the plane finally took off, all Amaya could do was gaze out the window at Berlin becoming smaller behind her and how much she already missed him.

Christoph’s eyes followed Amaya for as long as he could until she disappeared entirely. Christoph felt his heart sank. He wandered over to the large window that showed the taxiway and the plane that was currently getting ready to take off. Amaya was the last to board, and she was probably still finding her seat properly and getting buckled up for lift off. Christoph stared out that window until the plane taxied away and took off into the sky. Amaya was gone.

With the plane in the air, Christoph wandered over to the empty waiting area near the gate and sat down in one of the chairs. It was plastic and uncomfortable, but he needed to sit. His elbows propped up onto his lap, and he held his head in his hands. Christoph thought about all the time they’d be apart, and it hurt greatly, but he began to realize something. If Amaya and Christoph stayed together, if they were truly serious, they’d have many occasions where they’d be apart like this. Perhaps for even longer than the time they’d have to endure then.

Christoph knew that he wanted to be with Amaya for the rest of his life, and in order to make it work, they were going to have to get used to the distance they’d have for their occupations. Amaya had her work, and he had his. The seperations were going to be long and inevitable. But Christoph realized as he stood from that cold, blue chair. He loved Amaya, and she loved him. Not a single mile between them would sever their cord of communion.

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ceciliaseasalt's avatar
:'( I was dreading this day... Ahhhhhhh the feels man!!! :tears: